
The Reflection of The Video

The Reflection of The Video

         In this video, the toastmaster and three guests discussed "Are women and men really equal?" They point out that men don't against women today and women almost enjoy all the rights as men. However, people still think that is not really equal between men and women. Although women have rights to vote, to go to college, to get professional jobs, men occupied more top jobs. In the video, they gave a chart which is about the percentage of women get the executive jobs and board seats is still low, which is just about 13% to 17%. Another problem is equal pay. Despite America make the law of equal pay, women still get lower pay even they did the same job with men. In the video, the toastmaster also invite audience join their discussion.

         I don't think women can get really equal as men. It's clear that the society still has some prejudices about women. We can find it is hard for women get a top job like CEO. For example, in American history, no women present. However, situation are becoming positive to women. More and more women find the problem and they want to fight for their equal rights for themselves. Furthermore, women and men have different physiological specialty. That means they need to act different roles in daily life. After matriarchal society, these roles have little change. I think it's hard that women get really equal in the world because the society endows different responsibility to men and women. Obviously, men need to responsible for more duties than women. Therefore, women can't get really equal as men.

