
Reflection of "Missing Asian Girls"

       In " Missing Asian Girls," Karabin points that there are about 60 million girls were aborted by couples in recently years In Asian countries. Not just these parents should responsible for the tragedy, but also the government should bear the most blame. Because of parents prefer boys, it made a gender imbalance in the two countries. Gender imbalance makes a lot of social problems. In China, there were 25 million men can't find wife. In order to continue their family and have a child, 800 thousand women were trafficked from Vietnam, North Korea, Laos to China every year. Besides this, sex slaves become another problem in China and India. Three reasons caused gender imbalance. First, The Chinese government made the only one child policy which many family aborted the girl baby in order to have a boy. Second, in India, girl's family needs to pay the dowry. It's a big bear for most common families. Third, In these two countries, people were still follow the traditional ideas that boy can continue the family and support the olds. In order to solve the problem, these two countries made a lot plans. In China, government started "Care for Girls" plan which give girl more opportunities to get high education. In India, " Save the Girl Child" is a important plan which would stop couple aborted girls.

       In my opinion, change ideas is much more important than any plans. In these two countries, especially in China. People were influenced by the traditional culture more than 5,000 years. It's hard to change people's ideas immediately. The only way we can do is using other countries' ideas to change their ideas a little bit. As the day wore on, people will change their ideas a lot.

Karabin, Sherry. FoxNews.com.Published June 13, 2007

