Yicong Yang
MLING EAP 110,01
Jerry R. Edris
Jan 29, 2012
Reflection of Hillary's
Women's Rights Problem
In "Hillary's
Women's Rights Problem", the author talks about Hillary fight for women's
right and faces some challenges. Hillary wants women increase their economic
opportunities. She thinks women should be the impellor in the developing
countries. These developing countries should give women more work, it will play
a active role in developing their economy. Although give more work to women
seems a effective way to make women's rights stronger, some organization didn't
agree with her. APWLD pints that usually women can't enjoy their right by
themselves. In some developing countries, many women work in sweatshop which
are just 15 to 21 years old. Anyway, there also has organization support
Hillary's idea. The world bank is one of them.
The problem
Hillary faced is it's wrong she set women as vehicles of economic growth. Women
always can't enjoy their rights. First, Hillary should talk to these developing
countries about they should change their law and give more rights to women.
Women should get the rights first and then more work. If women can't have the
same rights as men, they will become the exploitation. Hillary also should know
it's really hard to change their ideas about women's rights in some Mideast
countries especially in Muslim countries. Hillary should strengthen the
relationship with them and use American culture to affect them make them do
some changes.